Renew Your Joy, Refresh Your Perspective

3-Day Challenge for Christian Teachers

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, run down and a bit discouraged,
then this challenge is absolutely for you.

In this 3-Day Challenge You'll Discover....

  • The hidden reason you're feeling so overwhelmed and frustrated (and the surprisingly simple cure for it)
  • The simple secret to ending your stress and worry - for good
  • An innocent-looking mistake that can sabotage your efforts to stay positive
  • How you can teach with joy you even if you can't change your circumstances
  • And much more!

Your Instructor

Linda Kardamis
Linda Kardamis

I always wanted to be teacher, but a few months in, I realized teaching was a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. Too many of my students just weren’t listening to me; many were outright belligerent. My confidence plummeted, and as much as I hated to admit it, I wasn’t enjoying teaching. Instead, I felt like a failure in my own classroom.

But God wasn’t done with me. Through sound advice, a bit of trial and error, and much prayer, I gradually learned to keep my students’ attention, and I started to believe I could actually do this.

As I stopped living in fear of the next problem, I began to look forward to teaching. And while I loved those ah-ha moments when my students finally got how to solve equations, the truest joy came from watching God change lives through me.

No matter what challenges you’re facing, God wants to use you in your classroom. You’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the challenge start and finish?
The challenge starts as soon as you enroll & lasts 3 days. But the good news is that don't lose your access to it - so you can also choose to go at your own pace if that works better for you.
How long do I have access to the challenge?
Don't worry - your access doesn't expire. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this challenge across any and all devices you own.

Day 1: Claim God's Promises

As teachers, we are so often overwhelmed, frustrated, and surrounded by negativity. But this isn't how God intended us to live. Discover the joy & peace He wants to give you as you learn to trust and rest in Him.

Day 2: Trust & Surrender

If God wants to give us His joy, peace, and rest, why aren't we experiencing it? Discover the hidden reason why you're so stressed & frustrated - and the surprisingly simple cure.

Day 3: Find Community

Too many Christian teachers make the mistake of trying to go it alone. Discover why this is a horrible idea - and how you can connect with like-minded educators.

Get started now!